Please find the online version of the Emergency Survival Guide here:
You are encouraged to become Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) qualified and join a local CERT Disaster Response Team. CERT Teams strengthen the ability of our communities to quickly recover after major disasters.
You can find out where the nearest training class will take place by visiting their official website: Several times per year these classes are offered to community residents free of charge.
As a resident of one of the many unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, you are an important part of emergency planning and preparedness. Unincorporated areas are not part of any city and are governed by the five-member Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles. The Board acts as your “city council” and is responsible for establishing policies and regulations that affect you and your neighborhood. The Board also governs the County Departments that provide services in your area including recreation, solid waste, planning, law enforcement, fire fighting, and social programs.
The County is your first responder to disasters such as flood, fire, earthquake, civil unrest, tsunami, and terrorist attacks.
This Guide will help you to better prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters that face Los Angeles County. Our goal is to provide tips that assist you to be self-sufficient after a disaster. In addition to this Guide, we recommend that you increase your awareness of emergency situations and the skills you need to prepare your family, neighbors and your community.
This guide is a starting point. For more information on preparing for disasters, please visit the website for the County’s Emergency Survival Program (ESP) at or call the ESP Hotline at (213) 974-1166 to receive free information on how to be prepared for emergencies and disasters.