Get Involved!

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There are many ways to serve your community—here are just a few:

The Altadena Town Council needs your help to facilitate the many projects that are planned over the coming months. As a community volunteer, you can help to plan, get the word out, or any number of other important tasks.

Besides the important work of the Council, there are many organizations that serve our communities, providing services to needy families, support of the Sheriff’s Department, job placement, counseling, etc. Please, choose a place to make a difference, then make a commitment.

There are over 45,000 residents in Altadena. Our 16 member Town Council speaks on behalf of those 44,000+ residents at the county government level. The Council makes recommendations that affect whether or not a new cell tower will go up on your street, or where you can park your car, whether or not you can build a second story on your home, and much much more.Be sure to stay informed about local issues, know what your candidates stand for and insist on public forums where candidates can make a case for your vote; THEN, encourage your friends and neighbors—GET OUT AND VOTE!
If you have issues in your neighborhood please contact your Council representative. The only way we can truly represent you is by becoming aware of your concerns or issues.You may comment on blog post or otherwise engage other Altadenans through a number of public networking resources. We strongly encourage you to come to our regularly scheduled Town Council meetings or to the periodic Town Hall meetings to make your views known. The more outspoken you are, the more your elected representatives will know how to best serve your needs at the Town Council AND refer up to the County Seat.
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Altadena has a rich history and by all counts is destined for a rich future; BUT, only if we make it so… To realize our goals of a safer, cleaner, more vibrant, more connected Altadena, it’s going to require participation from all of us. We can’t ever say, “someone else will do it” or ask “why don’t THEY…?” WE are the ones; WE are here; RIGHT NOW; and we can make a change!



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