Communications Committee

The Communication Committee works to support and enhance current methods of Altadena Town Council communication both internally and externally.

The Committee also investigates and presents new modes of communication to improve dialogue with the community.  Moreover, the Committee will advance ways to effectively and efficiently promote clear and respectful discussion.

        Committee Chair: Nic Arnzen

Education Committee

The Altadena Education Committee is committed to strengthening our Pasadena Unified School District schools through encouraging enrollment in our PUSD public schools that exist within Altadena. The committee also encourages public conversations about our public schools through regular town halls.

Committee Chair:  Sylvia Vega 

Filming Committee

Purpose: The Altadena Filming Committee will work to support fair use of neighborhoods for location filming in Altadena, promote filming company compliance with permit conditions, and demand respectful treatment of residents during film production activity. The Committee will be a resource and liaison to Councilmembers and the community.

The Altadena Filming Committee meets as needed, but at least every two months. If you are interested in attending a Film Committee meeting, please contact the Committee at

The Committee Chairs:  Reginald Wilkins & Kim Yu

Land Use Committee

The Land Use Committee is a standing committee of the Altadena Town Council. The Committee’s purpose is to review and deliberate on issues pertinent to zoning, codes, and other property and real estate issues concerning Altadena. The committee makes recommendations for action to the Town Council.

Land Use Committee meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the Altadena Community Center located at 730 E. Altadena Drive (directly west of the Altadena Sheriff’s Station).

The Land Use Committee Chair is  Diane Marcussen.

Legislative Committee

The primary purpose of the committee would be to share any pertinent legislation or information from the LA County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting, State of California Legislation, and Federal Legislation at the Altadena Town Council Meeting. Anyone is welcome to join the committee from the public or ATC.

Committee Chair:  Milissa Marona

Safe Streets-Traffic Safety & Mobility

The Altadena Safe Streets advocates for safe, inclusive, healthy streets for all road users, regardless of mode and ability.

  • Collecting and synthesizing data to address community-wide traffic safety concerns systematically.
  • Collaborating with governing bodies and the community to find solutions to address the needs for safer inclusive streets prioritizing the most vulnerable road users.

The Altadena Safe Streets Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month.

Committee, Chair:  Dorothy Wong

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