Due to projected extreme fire conditions, SCE is exploring options for a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff of electrical circuits in High Fire Risk Areas serving portions of some cities and unincorporated areas in Los Angeles County as early as Thursday evening, November 8 through Friday, November 9, 2018.
Please note that while these areas may experience storm-related outages, SCE has not proactively shut off power at this time.
The following circuits are currently on SCE’s PSPS watch list:
Kinneloa Circuit:
- Altadena – Download Outage Map
- Pasadena
Sand Canyon:
- Unincorporated Los Angeles County (Canyon Country)
- Santa Clarita
SCE has activated an Incident Management Team (IMT) to monitor conditions. The actual onset of extreme fire conditions and other circumstances beyond our control may impact coordination and notification efforts. As such, there is a possibility that a PSPS could be implemented sooner than anticipated, additional circuits could be added, or conditions could make PSPS no longer under consideration for one or more circuits. We will attempt to notify you as conditions change.
SCE will also begin notifying customers on the affected circuits to inform them about the potential shutoff and give them time to prepare.
The public should call 800-611-1911 if they have questions. The Incident Management Team (IMT) Liaison Officer can be reached by email at SCELiaisonOfficer@sce.com.
Again, no Public Safety Power Shutoffs have been initiated by SCE at this time.