A BIG thank you to the Altadena Library for supporting our community network that is helping compile updates for us to share!
Check www.altadenanews.org to sign up for updates direct to your inbox. #AltadenaConnections #AltadenaNews

April 1st is LA County Census Day!

Today is LA County Census Day!
Have you completed your form yet? 3 things you need to know:
1️⃣The census is private
2️⃣The census helps improve our communities
3️⃣You can participate from the comfort of your own home
**Learn more: https://census.lacounty.gov/census/
Learn more about LA County Business & Worker Disaster Help Center: lacountyhelpcenter.org

DCBA has partnered with the Department of Workforce, Development, Aging, and Community Services, and other County and State agencies to bring you the Business & Worker Disaster Help Center.
The center has resources for businesses as well as employees to help during the COVID-19 emergency.
Counselors are available Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to help business owners navigate emergency loan applications and help individuals that were recently laid off due to this emergency.Contact the Business & Worker Disaster Help Center:Call (833) 238-4450
Visit LACountyHelpCenter.org Email DisasterHelpCenter@lacounty.govFollow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for the latest updates, @LACHelpCenter.
Metro LA continues transit service on reduced schedule for essential trips…
Metro will continue to be there for essential workers and essential trips and continues its efforts to provide safe trips for our riders in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Metro is still in service for those who serve us (03/31/20). Stay up to date on Metro LA and COVID-19
Metro Next Gen Bus Plan – Update
There are significant changes coming to Altadena. Metro LA is excited to share the proposed Draft NextGen Bus Plan (Draft Plan) with you. This Draft Plan ( board report ) was developed with input from you and thousands of others along with thorough technical analysis. It addresses every Metro bus route with the goal of creating a new competitive bus system that is fast, frequent, reliable and accessible .
Explore the Draft NextGen Bus Plan here.

COVID-19 is creating a lot of questions, and for homeowners, landlords and renters, the details matter. Most recently, Governor Gavin Newsom announced an Executive Order banning the enforcement of eviction orders for renters affected by COVID-19 through May 31, 2020. This action builds on a previous order that authorizes local governments to halt evictions, slow foreclosures, and protect Californians against utility shut-offs.As we learn more about the details on this, it is important to keep you connected on COVID-19 related state and federal actions. More information can be found on my website.
Get the latest LA County updates on COVID-19
Get the latest on COVID-19 in LA County. Tune in at 1 PM for today’s briefing with County officials.
LA County Public Heath COVID-19 Information & Updates
FIND OUT MORE AT: publichealth.lacounty
Drive-up mobile testing sites for COVID-19 are now open in LA County and City of LA. Learn more: covid19.lacounty.gov/testing

#SaferAtHome Best Practices: Limit your trips out and offer to pick up essentials for neighbors. Less people out = flattening the curve. Watch for more info. #COVID19
Download Guidance for Social Distancing