COVID-19 Emergency Operations CenterLOS ANGELES COUNTY UPDATE 4/15/20 – Face Covering Health Order In Effect, Expansion of Eviction Moratorium & Rent Freeze
New guidelines around face coverings are now effective as of April 15th. Those working around others and the public, and those visiting essential businesses are required to wear face coverings at all times. Let’s #DoOurPart to stop the spread of #COVID19

Face Covering Health Order Is In Effect Effective tonight at midnight, essential businesses in LA County will be required to provide cloth face coverings to employees, as well as post physical distancing plans for the public to see.Patrons of essential businesses will also be required to wear cloth face coverings in order to enter an essential business, as indicated in last week’s revised Health Officer Order. These changes were implemented to protect county residents by slowing the rapid spread of COVID-19. The County of Los Angeles thanks you for adhering to these orders, and reminds you to maintain a 6 ft. distance from others – even with facial coverings.For tips on DIY face coverings click here or see a video by Dr. Jerome Adams, U.S. Surgeon General, for DIY instructions. |

Now more than ever, it’s on all of us to practice #PhysicalDistancing. Please only leave your home for essential services. Follow the #SaferAtHome Order and #StayHome Get more info HERE
LA County Expands Eviction Moratorium & Rent Freeze

The County of Los Angeles has expanded its temporary eviction moratorium as of yesterday. This expansion now includes all residential & commercial tenants in LA County- with the exception of those who live (or conduct business) in cities with an eviction moratoria of their own.
LA County’s moratorium includes a ban on evictions for:
- Nonpayment of rent, if the tenant can show they have been financially impacted by the health emergency
- No Fault reasons, such as owner/relative move-in or Ellis Act evictions
- Violations due to additional occupants, pets or nuisance related to COVID-19
The expanded rent freeze, also approved yesterday, now prohibits owners of mobilehome parks in unincorporated areas of LA County from increasing the space rent for their tenants during the moratorium period.
Both expansions are retroactive from March 4 to May 31, 2020, unless extended.
If you’re experiencing a landlord-tenant issue, please contact the LA County Disaster Help Center by:
- Phone: (833) 238-4450
- E-mail:
- Online:
The Disaster Help Center also provides expanded foreclosure protection assistance for landlords with 15 or fewer units. If you are a property owner facing financial difficulty, contact the Help Center to learn about available resources for your situation.
Read today’s media release for more information on this expansion. You may also visit our website for answers to Tenant & Landlord FAQs.
Want to help #StopTheSpread of #COVID19? Donate, give blood, and build hygiene kits for those experiencing homelessness. Learn more about all the ways LA County needs your help at Korean: #COVID19의 #StopTheSpread (확산 방지)에 도움이 되고 싶으십니까? 기부, 헌혈 그리고 노숙자들을 위한 위생 키트를 만드십시오. LA 카운티가 당신에게 필요한 모든 도움을에서 더 자세히 알아보십시오. Spanish: ¿Quieres ayudar a #DetenerLaPropagacion de #COVID19? Done, done sangre y construya kits de higiene para personas que estan experimentando indigencia. Obtenga más información sobre todas las formas en que el Condado de LA necesita su ayuda en |
Additional Resources
The County of Los Angeles appreciates your continued partnership in responding to COVID-19 questions and needs of residents. For additional information, please visit:
- County of Los Angeles:
- County of Los Angeles Public Health:
- California Department of Public Health:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
- Los Angeles County residents can also call 2-1-1