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The County of Los Angeles is regularly updating resources on COVID-19 and offers today’s update in an effort to keep you and yours informed. Please share the following up-to-date information:

New Health Officer Order Allows Faith-Based, Retail Services & More to Reopen

Safer At Work

LA County announced, today, its commitment to keeping residents “Safer At Work And In The Community”, and is further aligning its COVID-19 recovery efforts with the State’s California Pandemic Resilience Roadmap. The new Health Officer Order, to be issued later today, allows for the resumption of faith-based services, in-store shopping at low-risk retail stores, drive-in movies and other recreational activities.

The following are highlights from today’s Order, to be issued by LA County’s Department of Public Health (DPH), which emphasizes physical distancing requirements, cloth face coverings and other safety protocols must be observed:Faith-Based OrganizationsFaith-based organizations may resume services, with the number of congregants limited to less than 25% of the building’s capacity, or a maximum of 100 people, whichever is lower.

Indoor & Outdoor Retail Shopping CentersAll indoor and outdoor retail shopping centers may now open for business at 50% capacity.
Flea Markets, Swap Meets & Drive-Ins
All flea markets, swap meets and drive-in movie theaters may also resume operations.
Pools, Hot Tubs and Saunas
Pools, hot tubs and saunas that are in a multi-unit residence or part of a homeowners association may also now open.
Public Protests
Individuals may participate in an in-person protest as long as attendance is limited to 25% of the area’s maximum occupancy, or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower.

County residents may take part in all-permitted activities while continuing to practice physical distancing and wearing a cloth face covering when in contact with others. You are still encouraged to remain in your residences, as much as practical, and limit close contact with others outside your household (both indoor and outdoor). Gatherings of people not from the same household are still prohibited, except for faith-based services and in-person protests.

NOTE: should COVID-19 data indicators warrant, LA County may adjust orders to reflect specific County needs.

Read today’s press release on LA County’s revised Health Officer Order.

To help residents beat the heat this week, LA County will open emergency cooling centers Tuesday, 5/26- Thursday, 5/28 from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Visitors and staff must respect physical distancing & wear face coverings at all times. For locations, visit or call 211

Spanish: Para ayudar a los residentes a combatir el calor esta semana, el Condado de LA abrirá centros de enfriamiento de emergencia el Martes 5 / 26 a Jueves, 5/28 a partir de las 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Los visitantes y el personal deben respetar el distanciamiento físico y usar coberturas faciales en todo momento.
Para conocer las ubicaciones, o llame al 211

Additional ResourcesThe County of Los Angeles appreciates your continued partnership in responding to COVID-19 questions and needs of residents. For additional information, please visit:
County of Los Angeles:
County of Los Angeles Public Health: 
California Department of Public Health:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Los Angeles County residents can also call 2-1-1
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