The County of Los Angeles is regularly updating resources on COVID-19 and offers today’s update in an effort to keep you and yours informed. Please share the following up-to-date information: If you haven’t visited LA County’s Department of Public Health’s (DPH) COVID-19 Website recently, you’re missing out on a new, more intuitive, platform connecting you to the latest COVID-19 data, protocols and guidance.Whether you’re a business owner, essential worker or a resident of LA County, we want to make sure you have all the critical information you and your community needs. Ready to see what we’re talking about? You’ll also find we’ve added a more accessible Reopening Protocol hub, so you no longer have to dig for the latest protocol update impacting your sector:
But if you’re most interested in our Guidance, than you’ll definitely want to pay us a visit! Tell us who you are – and we’ll tell you which guidance is most relevant to you:
Visit DPH at to stay safe & informed. And, don’t forget to add the new & improved website to your list of favorites! To keep up with all DPH developments as they happen, consider following @lapublichealth on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Testing & Equity in LA CountyLA County continues to increase access to testing in our communities that need it most. Data shows that COVID-19 disproportionately impacts certain communities more than others. Specifically, low income communities and communities of color. That is why increasing equity and access to testing is critical to slowing the spread of COVID-19 and advancing us on our Roadmap to Recovery. We have expanded testing access in our existing County-operated sites, as well as launched an additional 8 testing sites over the past month. All eight of these sites are located in vulnerable communities who demonstrated a high burden from COVID-19, low testing rates, and high-test positivity rates. As a result of expansion efforts, LA County-supported and operated testing sites now have the capacity to test up to 64,000 residents a week (an increase from 40,000 slots) to better reach vulnerable communities. This is on top of the capacity that is available through city-supported and state-supported sites. LA County is committed to continuing our efforts countywide to ensure that those who are most vulnerable and impacted are supported. If you think you need a test, appointments are available through your primary care provider, online or over the phone by dialing 2-1-1.To learn more about LA County’s progress in slowing the spread of COVID-19, click on our image below to see the latest Modeling Projection from LA County’s Department of Health Services: The Risk Is Real Nearly 60% of recent cases of COVID-19 are occuring among people between the ages of 18-49. You may think it can’t happen to you, but the risk is real. Watch stories of survivors at and help us spread awareness on the importance of masking up, keeping six away from people we don’t live with it, and washing our hands regularly.Great Plates Delivered… to a Senior Near You.
To learn more or apply to this program before September 9th, click here. |