Here’s your opportunity to learn more about the most local candidates who seek to represent you. Register on Eventbrite to get the meeting link: HERE
For details on the 2020 Altadena Town Council Election, candidates, and to identify your Census Tract: altadenatowncouncil.org/ATC-Election
For information on the election, candidates, and live-stream video:
Sign up to volunteer for the Altadena 2020 Town Council Election:

Sign up to be a poll worker volunteer for the Altadena 2020 Town Council Election Nov 3rd and 7th: HERE
Tuesday Nov 3rd: 3PM-5PM at the Altadena Main Library then Saturday November 7th 9AM-3PM at (4) locations. Altadena Main Library, Bob Lucas Library, Gordy’s Towing Garage and Altadena Grocery Outlet.
Thank you!