Don’t miss the October 2020 CERT Meeting Wednesday, 10/21 @ 5:30PM: “Are you Ready to Evacuate?”
When the Bobcat Fire came knocking at our door and Red Flag Warnings were given many times in the last few months, were you ready? Given that Monrovia, Arcadia, Bradbury, Sierra Madre, Pasadena, and Altadena were on high alert and several parts of those communities were given evacuation orders during the Bobcat Fire, were you ready?
Let’s discuss how to get ready!We will have an Altadena LASD CERT Zoom meeting this Wednesday, Oct 21, 2020 from 530-630 pm co-hosted by Paul Dutton of CV CERT and Suzanne Dobson of Monrovia CERT about what to do, how to evacuate quickly, and how to it safely!
Erica Frausto Aguado, Executive Director of Red Cross LA Territory 2 will participate to discuss sheltering.Presenters, Paul Dutton-CV CERT, Suzanne Dobson-Monrovia CERT, and I are also Red Cross Volunteers. Ask us about Red Cross!Topic: Altadena CERTTime: Oct 21, 2020 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join ZOOM Meeting:
Meeting ID: 338 305 7874
No password required; there will be a “waiting room.”