DOWNLOAD FLYER HERE and RSVP to join the Community Nature Challenge!
Altadena let’s Spring into Parks! Join our Community Nature For All Challenge starting Saturday, April 24th: 9am until 12n. RSVP for the Community Nature Walk in the Park We’ll meet up at Loma Alta Park – Sunset Ridge Parking Lot. The walk will include an on the move tutorial on how to document your findings in nature. What do you see? *Download the Apps: iNaturalist & “Seek” for kids of all ages. Watch the video below. Then venture out on your nature discovery walk in the park including family-friendly “Seek” starter loop in the park then venture onto the the Altadena Crest Trail Nature Loop including the expanded walkway back to the start.
Total distance if the loop is 1.1 miles. You can shorten or lengthen the loop with further exploration!
See video “How to Make an Observation” on iNaturalist:
Take your new “nature-finding-skills” and document your nature findings around Altadena parks, trails, neighborhood, even at your home between April 30 through May 3rd 2021. Sign up for the 2021 City Nature Challenge. The City Nature Challenge is an annual competition between 100s of cities around the world that helps people better understand urban biodiversity by having them find and document nature in their community. See FAQ.
Then it’s time to Celebrate Community Scientists – yes, YOU on May 4th, join Team Nature For All to earn prizes today! Learn more and stay up to date HERE!
Learn more about the City Nature Challenge at:
Virtual Community Meeting: Loma Alta Park – Pop Up Sidewalk Demonstration Project Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020 @ 6:00 PM
SPRING INTO PARKS! Activate the Pop-Up expanded at Loma Alta Park, then take the survey to provide feedback for this demonstration project to engage our community to find solutions to safer streets and access to parks for all ages and abilities.
LA County Public Works has implemented a signing and striping expanded sidewalk demonstration project for roadside safety features along Loma Alta Drive and Sunset Ridge Road and consider future solutions promote safety timely as LA County Parks works to return children and families to parks safely. Talk a walk and provide your feedback for safety around around our parks.