4th of July Fireworks Safety: Hilda L. Solis PSA from Los Angeles County Newsroom on Vimeo.
Fireworks Safety
The County of Los Angeles Fire Code, Title 32, Section 5601.3 states that it is illegal to store, manufacture, sell, use, or handle ALL FORMS of fireworks without a valid permit in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.
The Los Angeles County Fire Department encourages families to attend a public fireworks show conducted by State-licensed pyrotechnicians. For a listing of 2021 professional fireworks shows, please click here.
All Fireworks Are Prohibited in Unincorporated Los Angeles County
The illegal use, storage, or handling of fireworks in unincorporated Los Angeles County is a violation of local and state laws and carries the following penalties:

Chaney Trail Gate Closed – Thursday, 7/1 @8PM thru Wednesday, 7/7 @6AM
4th of July Safety Tips:
Leave Fireworks to the Professionals. For a list of professional fireworks shows in Los Angeles County,
click here and see below:

Valid Sunday July 04, 2021 through Monday July 05, 2021
This advisory is in effect through Monday Afternoon. South Coast AQMD will issue an update if additional information becomes available.
Poor air quality is likely in areas throughout the South Coast Air Basin and in the Coachella Valley on July 4th through July 5th. Fireworks are known to emit high levels of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) as well as metal air pollutants, all of which can contribute to negative health effects. Due to fireworks related to Independence Day celebrations, the Air Quality Index (AQI) may reach the Very Unhealthy AQI category or higher across the region from the evening of Sunday, July 4th through the early afternoon on Monday, July 5th. The use of personal “backyard” fireworks also contributes to this air pollution and can further increase how much air pollution a person is breathing. In addition, personal “backyard” fireworks may create even higher levels of fine particulate matter locally that are far higher than regional particulate levels.
Fine particulate matter levels on July 4th and July 5th are typically among the worst (highest) days of the year in the South Coast Air Basin and the Coachella Valley. The smoke and combustion products from fireworks add to the fine particles already present in the Basin that are primarily caused by motor vehicles, as well as fugitive dust and industrial emissions. The use of personal “backyard” fireworks can also spark wildfires, which can be a major source of fine particulate matter.
Breathing fine particulate matter can lead to a wide variety of cardiovascular and respiratory health effects such as heart attacks, asthma aggravation, decreased lung function, coughing, or difficulty breathing and may lead to premature death in people with heart or lung diseases.
Areas of direct impacts may include major portions of the South Coast Air Basin and the Coachella Valley. Air pollution levels are typically worse in areas where personal fireworks are widely used.
South Coast AQMD Advisory updates can be found at the following link: http://www.aqmd.gov/advisory
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Air quality forecasts are available at http://www.aqmd.gov/forecast
For a map of South Coast AQMD Forecast Areas, see http://www.aqmd.gov/ForecastAreas