Unprecedented in scope and scale, the Los Angeles Countywide Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment is a comprehensive study of the diverse parks and recreation facilities throughout LA County’s cities and unincorporated communities. The Parks Needs Assessment gathered data to determine the scope, scale, and location of park need in Los Angeles County. Since its completion in 2016, the Parks Needs Assessment has been invaluable in informing planning and decision-making regarding funding for parks and recreation.
The Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation is now working on an update to the Parks Needs Assessment called the Regional and Rural Edition. Specifically, this update will comprehensively identify, analyze, map, and document:
1.The need for Regional facilities, including beaches and lakes, natural areas and open spaces, regional parks, and trails; and
2.The park needs of Rural communities which are primarily located in the Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, and Santa Monica Mountains.
TAKE THE SURVEY The Parks Department is soliciting public input countywide on park needs. We would like to encourage the public to take a few minutes to use this opportunity to share their thoughts with the Parks Department. Survey is available in five languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Armenian.
Below you will find additional information on the Parks’ Department efforts.