Altadena, CA, September 15, 2021 – It’s election time in Altadena! Those wishing to run
for a seat on the Altadena Town Council have until October 6 to complete and file their
application. All rules and regulations can be found on the Altadena Town Council
If you live in Altadena please consider this opportunity to run for your town council. The
Altadena Town Council has been in existence since 1975 and in the first election over
1500 ballots were cast for two seats!
The Council meets every third Tuesday of every month and serves as an advisory body
to various LA County departments. There are two council members per census tract
and each tract has one seat up for election this year. We welcome and hope for your
Chris O’Malley, Chair of the Election Committee, said, ““Running for Altadena Town
Council and voting in this local election is important to our community. The bigger the
turnout, the more legitimacy the Council possesses in our dealings with LA County. If
you’ve ever thought about running for office, now is the time!”
All election materials for potential applicants are on the Altadena Town Council website.
The deadline for applying is October 8, 2021.
The election dates are November 2 (early voting) November 6, 2021 (regular voting).
The Election Committee consists of Town Council members and Community members
from Altadena.
Any questions or concerns can be addressed to Chris O’Malley, Chair of the Election
Committee, at or (626) 344-9676.