Altadena Special Election – Census Tracts 4601 & 4603.01

Dear Altadena Resident,
Thank you for your interest in applying to run for a seat on the Altadena Town Council (ATC). The ATC is a volunteer organization tasked with conveying the needs of Altadena residents to Los Angeles County agencies and providing a forum for discussions of issues of concern to the Altadena community.
As a Council Member, you will hear regular reports from law enforcement and other public safety groups, as well as various community groups, and you will receive regular updates on community events. You can share this information with your census tract residents. Additionally, you will respond to questions and concerns from your residents and assist them in dealing with the appropriate agencies or groups.
Please review the Candidate Information Sheet, fill out an application and return it, along with a check for $35, to the Altadena Community Center (730 E Altadena Dr) no later than January 6, 2023.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email or phone.
Sylvia Vega
Altadena Town Council
Election Committee, Chair (626) 482-8787
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Post Tags: 4601, 4603.01, Altadena, election, special election