Santillanes and Gonzales family affected by home fire in need.
In need of community in action. The Santillanes and Gonzales family suffered a devastating house fire in the late hours of Christmas eve and into Christmas morning. This is a multi-generational property, with the grandparents to grandchildren living there. The grandfather is just about to finally retire (though now isn’t sure that he can). The property had multiple gas fueled vehicles and motorcycles most of which exploded causing a very hot, very fast moving fire. The 13 year old daughter who goes to Marshall and plays soccer at the national level, her father and mother (he used to work for the City of Pasadena and for Lincoln Ave Water), the sister-in-law, brother-in-law, 3 uncles, and the grandmother and grandfather, the 20 yr old daughter called 9-1-1 and the 13 yr old went back inside to save their new puppy). The heat from the fire melted the other vehicles that didn’t explode.
Thanks to the many including our local businesses El Patron, Grocery Outlet and others for coming through for them in a big way! This has already made such a positive impact on the families.
A link to the family’s gofundme –>DONATE/SHARE