San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector October 2023 Happy Halloween Champions!

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October 2023

Happy Halloween Champions!

We hope you enjoy scary celebrations today that don’t involve mosquito bites. Also, if you’re expecting trick-or-treaters tonight, be sure to Tip, Toss, & Protect so your home isn’t the scariest house on the block.

Mosquito House of Horror
Short Bites Monthly Banner

Short Bites Monthly share insight into the past month’s activity. This ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.

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  • This month, repellent education was the focus of our District messaging. We also presented at various senior center community meetings throughout our District. Thank you to those who requested our presence.
  • We provided Bite Prevention Kits to select cities which is determined by our mosquito trap count data – See data charts below ‘In Disease Control & Monitoring’ section.

Outreach Efforts

Image of our outreach efforts this month.

Image of our outreach efforts this month.

  • This month, we have responded to elevated mosquito activity with enhanced investigation and control measures. The areas of Enhanced Neighborhood Support (ENS) are based on our mosquito trap count data and neighborhood risk assessment.
Image of a Technician posting a Treatment Notification sign in treatment area.

Image of a Technician posting a Treatment Notification sign in treatment area.

  • Our October efforts include increased surveillance, public education, and control to reduce the threat of mosquito-borne disease human infections.
Image of Vector Control Specialists controling mosquito populations from mosquito trap data that is monitored weekly.

Image of Vector Control Specialists controling mosquito populations from mosquito trap data that is monitored weekly.

In Education banner

EcoHealth Newsletter

Read Past Newsletters

Citizen Science

Image of Education Specialist analyzing students’ Aedes mosquito egg paper submissions.

Image of Education Specialist analyzing students’ Aedes mosquito egg paper submissions.

  • At headquarters, we’re analyzing collected water samples and Aedes egg papers, as seen in the phot above.
  • Thank you to participating teachers and students who submited these samples! Our District is grateful for your participation in community science.
Check out our Citizen Science Programs
Microscopic image of a student’s water sample that contains a male mosquito (left insect) and a termite (right insect).

Microscopic image of a student’s water sample that contains a male mosquito (left insect) and a termite (right insect).

Digital Communication

  • If you’re planning on trick-or-treating this Halloween, don’t forget to wear repellent. See our repellent page for more information.

Halloween Ends with Ada (Trailer Parody)
  • Since West Nile Virus (WNV) is endemic to the San Gabriel Valley, we work hard to prevent local disease outbreaks.
  • This month, we used targeted ads to spread awareness about mosquito activity in communities that needed treatments.
Image of Outreach Assistant preparing team for Treatment Notification posting.

Image of Outreach Assistant preparing team for Treatment Notification posting.

  • Our messaging, whether in print or online, is up to date on the latest mosquito information. You can access them here.
Image of Communications Specialist creating social media campaign content.

Image of Communications Specialist creating social media content for targeted ads.

in disease control & monitoring banner

We continue to focus on maintaining essential vector surveillance including mosquito trap routes, arbovirus testing, providing weekly data to the District, and maintaining the mosquito fish and mosquito colonies.

Image of a Vector Control Specialist organizing mosquito trap findings.

Image of a Vector Control Specialist organizing mosquito trap findings.

Data Collection

Image of average mosquitoes per trap by sampling location and by city/community. The size of the bubbles on the map reflects the relative numbers of mosquitoes caught at each trap.

Image of average mosquitoes per trap by sampling location and by city/community. The size of the bubbles on the map reflects the relative numbers of mosquitoes caught at each trap.

This chart depicts the overall abundance of mosquitoes collected during the current reporting period. Species listed on the far right are sorted by total amount collected during this reporting period.

This chart depicts the overall abundance of mosquitoes collected during the current reporting period. Species listed on the far right are sorted by total amount collected during this reporting period.

This chart depicts the total number/types of traps set during this reporting period.

This chart depicts the total number/types of traps set during this reporting period.

  • This month, our surveillance traps have seen an overall increase of Aedes abundance across the district. In response to this data, we added 11 additional trapping events to monitor.
Itching to stay in the loop? Check out our blog!

Before you go, check out the links we love this month …

Links we love banner

Know a Future Entomologist? Read & Share This.

  • Read how a life-long interest in wildlife brought one entomologist to vector-borne disease ecology.
Learn More

Vector Control Saves the Day in Your Community!

  • Learn how your local Vector Control District responded to a rare mosquito-borne disease case.
Learn More

Girl Scouts: Climate Challenge & Tree Promise Opportunities

Learn More

The Bite Back Program is an outreach program by the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District. This is a grassroots, neighborhood-level approach to “build healthier, bite-free neighborhoods in San Gabriel Valley.”

Communications Department Mission Statement: Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.

District Mission: Providing the highest level of protection from vectors & vector-borne diseases in San Gabriel Valley.

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