West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan – Virtual Public Meeting – Thursday, July 18th – 6PM

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West San Gabriel Valley

Area Plan

Virtual Public Meeting Reminder

Thursday, July 18th from 6:00pm-7:30pm

To register for the virtual public meeting, visit:



Notice of Completion and Availability of a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report and Notice of Public Meeting

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the County of Los Angeles (County), as Lead Agency, has filed a Notice of Completion and Availability (NOA) of a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (Draft PEIR) for the West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan (Project). The purpose of this Notice of Completion and Availability (NOA) is to provide agencies, organizations, and other interested parties with a summary of the Project and its location, the potential environmental effects, information regarding the availability of the Draft PEIR for public review, and the timeframe for submitting comments on the Draft PEIR.

All interested parties, including the public, responsible agencies, and trustee agencies, are invited to provide comments on the Draft PEIR. Any comments provided should identify specific topics of environmental concern. Responsible and trustee agencies are requested to indicate their statutory responsibilities in connection with this Project when responding.

DATE: June 27, 2024

PROJECT NAME: West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan


Project No. PRJ2023-003982

Advance Planning Case No. RPPL2023005880

Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2023005884

General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023005882

Zone Change No. RPPL2023005883

Ordinance No. RPPL2024002630

State Clearinghouse No. 2023110351

PROJECT LOCATION: Unincorporated communities of Altadena, East Pasadena-East San Gabriel, Kinneloa Mesa, La Crescenta-Montrose, San Pasqual, South Monrovia Islands, South San Gabriel, Whittier Narrows, and South El Monte Island.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan (WSGVAP) is a new community-based plan that focuses on land use and policy issues that are specific to the unique characteristics and needs of the unincorporated communities within the WSGV Planning Area. The WSGVAP is intended to respond to local planning issues, guide long-term development, foster harmonious and coordinated growth balanced with natural preservation, improve connectivity and walkability, generate a thriving business friendly region while enhancing sustainability in the built and natural environments, and ensure equitable decision-making throughout the WSGV Planning Area. Area-wide and community-specific goals, policies, and implementation programs are established for the WSGVAP to support these objectives. The WSGVAP would execute these goals primarily through, but not limited to, the following Project components: a General Plan Amendment to establish the WSGVAP as part of the General Plan, consisting of land use, mobility, conservation and open space, public services and facilities, economic development, and historic preservation elements; changes to land use and zoning designations to accommodate targeted growth, provide consistency, and preserve natural resource areas; and, an amendment to Title 22 (County Planning and Zoning Code) to implement the goals and policies of the WSGVAP through the establishment of a Planning Area Standards District (PASD) and updates to or reorganization of existing community standards districts (CSDs).

POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: As presented in the Draft PEIR, the proposed Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts to Aesthetics, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Noise, and Transportation. The Draft PEIR evaluated potentially significant environmental effects of the proposed project, identified feasible mitigation measures to lessen such impacts, and identified a range of reasonable alternatives to the proposed project. The Draft PEIR included analysis on the following environmental topics not expected to result in any significant impacts: Agriculture/Forestry Resources, Energy, Geology/Soils, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, Hazards/Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mineral Resources, Population/Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Tribal Cultural Resources, Utilities/Service Systems, and Wildfire.

PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD:  The public comment period associated with the release of this NOA and Draft PEIR will commence on Thursday, June 27, 2024, and end on Monday, August 12, 2024. Comments may be sent no later than 5:00PM on August 12, 2024 to Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning, Attention: Evan Sensibile, 320 West Temple Street, 13th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012, or emailed to wsgvap@planning.lacounty.gov. All correspondence received shall be considered a public record.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: The County will conduct one virtual public meeting to present the project and receive comments on the PEIR. The public meeting will be held virtually, online via Zoom Webinar on Thursday, July 18, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM. The link to the virtual public meeting can be found on the project webpage at planning.lacounty.gov/long-range-planning/wsgvap/documents/.

DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: The NOA for this Project is available for public review online in English, Spanish, and Chinese at the West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan website at planning.lacounty.gov/long-range-planning/wsgvap/documents/ or planning.lacounty.gov/environmental-review/public-notice/ (under “Advance Planning Projects”)

View Area Plan Documents

PROJECT WEBSITE: Visit the WSGVAP website for more information: https://planning.lacounty.gov/long-range-planning/wsgvap/.

Si necesita más información por favor llame al (213) 974-6427 o visite planning.lacounty.gov/long-range-planning/wsgvap/documents/.

如果您有任何疑問請致電 (213) 974-6427 或請參閱項目官网 或造訪planning.lacounty.gov/long-range-planning/wsgvap/documents/.

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Para obtener más información y participar en la planificación de su comunidad, comuníquese con:


wsgvap@planning.lacounty.gov or (213) 974-6425

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