The Altadena Town Council thanks the previous Councilmembers for their contributions. The following is a list presented alphabetically. See individual profiles for contact information, if listed. This is a working project that will continue to grow. If you have any information to contribute, please contact
NESTOR DE LA TORRE served on the Altadena Town Council from 2016-2018. He is a Pasadena native before moving to Altadena with his wife. During his time on the Council, Mr. De La Torre also served as the Corresponding Secretary for a year, the 2017 Elections Committee, the 2018 Slate Committee, and Chair of the Ad-Hoc Website Committee responsible for the redesign of the Council website. He served for two years on the Land Use Committee where he continues to serve.
Mr. De La Torre is currently a PhD student in the Department of Political Science at UCLA. You can reach him on social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
JOHN E. WHITE served on the Altadena Town Council from 2014-2018 and was originally appointed to fill an empty seat in Census Tract 4601. Upon swearing in, he immediately joined the Land Use Committee. During his uninterrupted, four-year service, he worked on various issues before the Land Use Committee and the Council from residential and commercial development to traffic and safety. His efforts produced numerous safety improvements to Altadena residents including increased traffic enforcement, new street signs, and a new traffic pattern that dramatically improved both safety and congestion.
His service on the By-Laws Committee as well as Treasurer seated on the Executive Committee contributed to formulating Council direction and activities. In addition, he designed and managed the delivery of Councilmember name badges that each census tract representative wears for identification at Council meetings and local events. He leaves the Altadena Town Council with sustained interest in the community and looks forward to the future that is being crafted under the current leadership. John White is a Professor of English teaching at Citrus Community College in Glendora and may be reached at

Michelle Martinez served as council member from 2014 to 2016. She also sat on the land use committee during her service as councilwoman. Throughout her term of service she heard and approved conditional use permits to be forwarded to the Los Angeles Supervisors Board for final approval. She collaborated with community leaders and programs to bring businesses to her district, as well as beautification and development, along with community building events.
Michelle continues to serve in her community as well as with national organizations. She presides on the Boards of the Woman’s Civic League of Pasadena, Pasadena Republican Club, as well as on the National Board for the Republican National Hispanic Assembly as the Western Regional Director. Learn more here:
Michelle is a public speaker and the primary consultant at M³Solutions. In her spare time she is drafting her first book, which discusses the impact of moving away from a faith based culture and its impact on our society.
Contact Michelle at:
Phone: 626.831.6577