The Executive Committee of the Altadena Town Council has approved the following agenda for the Altadena Town Council meeting on September 19, 2017.
For a PDF version of this agenda, please click here.
1. Call to Order
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance _____________________ Altadena/Pasadena Boy Scout Troop 40
1.2 Roll Call ______________________________ Recording Secretary, Judy Matthews
1.3 Approve September 19, 2017 meeting agenda
2. Officer’s Reports
2.1 Chairman _____________________________________________ Okorie Ezieme
2.2 Vice Chairman __________________________________________ Pat Sutherlan
2.3 Recording Secretary _____________________________________ Judy Matthews
2.3.1 Approve August 15, 2017 meeting minutes
2.4 Treasurer _____________________________________________ John E. White
2.5 Corresponding Secretary _______________________________ Nestor De La Torre
3. Public Safety Reports
3.1 California Highway Patrol _______________________________ Officer Mike Ulloa
3.2 Altadena Sheriff’s Station _________________ Lt. Carmichael Octave/Lt. Yolanda Clay
3.3 County Fire ____________________________________________ Maria Grycan
3.4 CERT _____________________________________________ Deputy Dan Paige
3.5 Map Your Neighborhood ______________________ Karen Gibson/Eric Vander Velde
4. General Public Comment
During a General Public Comment period, any person may address the Altadena Town Council concerning any item that is or is not listed on the agenda. The Altadena Town Council welcomes public participation and input. Council members may ask clarifying questions from speakers. Speaker participants are asked to state their name(s) and town/city of residence for the record; comments are limited to two [2] minutes, or such time limit declared by the Chair in order to facilitate an orderly and timely meeting.
5. Special Presentation
5.1 Altadena Library – Accomplishments of the District during the past year ____ Mindy Kittay
5.2 Homeless information in the San Gabriel Valley _ Kenon Joseph, Regional Coordinator, LA Homeless Service
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Land Use Committee ___________________________________ Diane Marcussen
6.2 Filming Committee ______________________________________ Anne Chomyn
6.3 Education Committee ______________________________________ Jennifer Lee
7. Altadena Community Reports
7.1 LA County Department of Parks & Recreation __________________ Meliza Hernandez
7.2 Chamber of Commerce _____________________________________ Billy Malone
7.3 Collaborate PASadena ____________________________________ Gloria Sanyika
7.4 Southern California Edison (SCE) _______________________________ David Ford
8. Census Tract Reports
8.1 4603.01
8.2 4603.02