The Altadena Safe Streets Committee advocates for safe, inclusive, and healthy streets for all users, regardless of mode and ability by:
- Informing and educating the community of the solutions to safety issues and possibilities offered by “Complete Streets” design.
- Collecting data by centralizing and synthesizing existing data with community-wide concerns and visioning exercises.
- Collaborating with governing bodies and community organizations to proactively propose solutions to transportation safety and mobility problems.
Altadena Safe Streets Agenda – December 2018 – DOWNLOAD HERE
Altadena Safe Streets Committee Meeting December 6, 2018 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
Altadena Community Center, 730 E. Altadena Drive
Meeting Agenda:
- (10 min) Welcome and Introductions
● Mission of the Committee● Where do you live? What are your concerns, ideas about traffic and
pedestrian safety and mobility?
- (30 min) LA County Vision Zero Presentation, Q&A, Survey
● Miguel Ramos, LA County Dept. of Public Health, will present an overview of the County’s new traffic safety initiative, Vision Zero, which aims to eliminate traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.● Meeting attendees will be asked to complete a survey about their traffic safety experiences and perspectives.
*** Note, this will be a repeat of last month’s Vision Zero presentation, to give more people the chance to take the survey. If you’ve already done the survey, there’s no need to re-take it! ***
- (10 min) Safe Routes to Schools Program, Jazmine De La Torre, Day One
- (20 min) Bird Scooter Presentation and Q&A, Kim Pluth, Bird
- (5 min) Final Thoughts/Comments:
● Next meeting January 3, 201