November 20th, 7pm
Altadena Community Center
730 E Altadena Dr.
TOPIC: WSGVAP (West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan)
The West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan is a long-range policy document that will guide long-term growth of the area through development of a guiding vision, goals, policies, and implementation actions for the unincorporated communities in the West San Gabriel Valley. It will support principles such as walkability, connectivity, and community vibrancy. This project will include a comprehensive land-use analysis of the unincorporated areas. Additionally, development of the Plan involves consistent outreach and collaboration with stakeholders. These stakeholders include community residents, local businesses, community-based organizations, external public agencies, surrounding jurisdictions, and other County departments.
This ACONA meeting is in partnership with the Altadena Town Council. Members of the Council will be attending in person and on Zoom gathering your feedback to inform a position letter they plan to write about the plan. The letter will be drafted in direct response to that feedback.
The meeting is intended to clarify elements that directly impact Altadena as well as take questions from those present to help in that clarification. Questions will be taken both in person through comment cards and on Zoom through the chat feature.
Zoom link is included below and can also be found on the ACONA website at
Zoom capacity will NOT be increased beyond 100 people so please plan to attend in person or risk not being included in the Zoom feed if we reach capacity.
If you would like to make a donation to increase the Zoom capacity beyond 100 please contact ACONA Chair Nic Arnzen at Nic.Arnzen@
Nic Arnzen CT4602 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 11/20/24 ACONA Meeting
Time: Nov 20, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 365 007 0583
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