Altadena Town Council & Holiday Celebration 2024 at the Rose Bowl! Tuesday 12/17 at 7PM
Join us for an opportunity to tour the Rose Bowl, meet community partners, attend the Town Council meeting, and enjoy holiday bites on Tuesday, December 17th Altadena Holiday Celebration and Town Council meeting at the Rose Bowl Stadium. This event is in partnership with the Rose Bowl Stadium, and Supervisor Barger, Altadena Town Council, Altadena Rotary, Altadena Chamber of Commerce, and Altadena Library Foundation.
We are thrilled to offer free tours of the historic Rose Bowl Stadium to Altadenans!
The clickable link to RSVP is altadena-holiday-celebration- 2024-tickets-1083132110299. If you are planning to tour the Rose Bowl, please RSVP by 12/13.