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  1. Open says:

    While the schools are of utmsot importance, the Town Council has little power. Instead we should all look at electing responsible people to the School District Supervision (vote today).Beautifying is so subjective, and Altadena is already more beautiful than most places in a unique rag-tag way. I would hate to have the town council get into the mix, except to maybe highlight creative beautification efforts (as opposed to conventional beautification). Then when the council highlights something, everyone can argue about how much they hate the decision. As an artist I am familiar with this reaction. OF COURSE, you can never please everyone. Better public transportation especially further up the hill would be great and increase the mobility especially for our aging population who are not as spry as they used to be. This also helps our young people to get out and see more of the communities around here. I am glad to see that getting our own school district and incorporation into a city seem to be getting no traction. I sort of like being a forgotten corner of the larger LA basin. It is true that I would like better schools, but since our school district has more kids in foster homes and group homes than other school districts, they need more resources and resources aren’t going to just appear because we have our own district in fact many of them may be more restricted. One of the reasons we have so many group homes here also is BECAUSE we are unincorporated and less restrictive, so it is easier to set one up here than in many other places. I am fine with that families in trouble need places to live and heal I just think that resources should be focused on these communities, and that generally comes from the State and Federal Governments, so those systems and formulas need to be fixed. While the town council can lobby for resources, I am sure that making ourself into a new school district will not bring us what we need.I would also like to put in a comment about street lights I like the fact that the community is not all lighted at night I can see the stars, and the whole place seems quieter and more peaceful without lots of street lights. While it may seem that it helps fight crime since the spate of burgaries seem to be happening during the afternoons when there is no lighting problem, I don’t think that it will help with those in particular. The best thing I believe that can fight crime it to know your neighbors, and look out for them. We are all in this together. Nobody is more important than the next person. Period. We do need to be mindful about changing some things in Altadena. Many of us came here to get away from city lights, onerous restrictions, general citification, and conventional living. If it changes too much, we will become too much like the rest of the basin. Long live no sidewalks (in the less traveled parts of town, of course)!

  2. Lizz says:

    Hello, as a member of the Altadena community, I’d love to know when the Town Council is meeting!

    Info would be very appreciated.

    Thank you

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